Sexual Harassment Policies & Supportive Resources
OUT LOUD Theatre does not tolerate sex discrimination, sexual harassment, sexual assault, or sexual violence of any kind. To ensure compliance with OUT LOUD's Anti-Racist, Anti-Oppressive, & Anti-Harassment Policies and other federal and state civil rights laws, OUT LOUD's Collaborative Panel are charged with monitoring compliance with all OUT LOUD Pathways & Policies and ensuring that any/all reports of sex discrimination, sexual harassment, and sexual violence from our ensemble and/or members of our community are investigated and promptly addressed by the appropriate parties. OUT LOUD Theatre is currently basing their Sexual Harassment Policies & Supportive Resources off of Title IX policies and procedures. As elements of Title IX are specific to educational institutions, OUT LOUD's Collaborative Panel are currently making adjustments to best fit the needs of our community and ensemble.
Please stay tuned as we prepare to publish our comprehensive Sexual Harassment Policies & Supportive Resources to our website next Spring, 2025.
This will include, but is not limited to our:
Please stay tuned as we prepare to publish our comprehensive Sexual Harassment Policies & Supportive Resources to our website next Spring, 2025.
This will include, but is not limited to our: